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The Natural Tea Co. 然茶
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Rice Scent Fossil Puerh 糯香化石普洱

Rice Scent Fossil Puerh tea is made from fresh spring tea leaves and Nuo Mi Xiang leaves using a unique fumigation technique. Even after 15 infusions, the tea soup still tastes sweet with strong glutinous rice fragrant. The tea pallets are firm and does not expand significantly, making it suitable for long-term storage. The longer the storage time, the higher the quality.


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Rice Scent Fossil Puerh | 糯香化石普洱

Rice Scented Fossil Puerh Tea , known as “scattered silver,” is made from spring harvest tea leaves, smoked with indigenous Yunnan glutinous rice fragrance leaves and then tightly compressed into pellets. The wet piling fermentation process causes tea leaves to release pectin and stick together into nuggets, which are carefully processed into pellets, making it suitable for long-term storage. Rich in flavor, with bright red color and a smooth mouthfeel, Rice Scented Fossil Puerh Tea can be brewed multiple times without losing sweetness. Mild in nature, it aids digestion and helps lower blood pressure and blood sugar, making it particularly ideal for middle-aged and elderly individuals.

糯香化石普洱茶,是以春茶鮮葉為原料,以雲南糯香葉薰制再緊壓成顆粒,是普洱熟茶工藝的創新。由於渥堆發酵的過程使茶葉釋放果膠,並粘結成塊 (老茶頭),因此糯香化石普洱茶可多次沖泡而不失甜味。其茶湯色紅濃透亮、口感順滑、香氣濃鬱、耐泡度高、適宜長期存儲。茶性質溫和,有助於消化,並能降低血壓和血糖,特別適合中老年人飲用。

  • Type: Dark Tea – Puerh | 黑茶 – 普洱茶

    Oxidation: ●●●●●

    Cultivar: Da Ye Zhong (Camellia sinensis var. assamica)

    Origin: Menghai, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China 中國雲南省西雙版納勐海

    Elevation: 1000m

    Method: Bud and one or two leaves

    Harvest: 2022 Spring

    Tasting Notes: Glutinous rice, earthy, woody, mellow and smooth.

  • Western Brewing
    2g | 99°C | 250ml | 3mins

    Gongfu Brewing
    5g per 100ml | 99°C | 10 secs
    +5sec for each extra infusion

    *Brewing instruction is just for your reference, experiment yourself and find the best brewing method which fits you!

  • Type: Dark Tea – Puerh | 黑茶 – 普洱茶
    Oxidation: ●●●●●
    Cultivar: Da Ye Zhong (Camellia sinensis var. assamica)
    Origin: Menghai, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China 中國雲南省西雙版納勐海
    Elevation: 1000m
    Method: Bud and one or two leaves
    Harvest: 2022 Spring
    Tasting Notes: Glutinous rice, earthy, woody, mellow and smooth.